Stay cool

Headspace, 'til our next race.

Full membership of the award-winning meditation app, created by Andy Puddicombe, available for three months.

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An open letter from the founders

Olly Fawcett & George Freud

Running has had an enormous impact on both of our heads, and it's through running that we've learnt the importance of stable mental health. In November, we hosted our 'Reasons To Run' four-miler, and you told us why you run. Reading the hundreds of submitted reasons bought goosebumps to our skin, and made us feel a little cold, and a little warm, all at the same time.

You see, we started running because we were suffering from poor mental health ourselves. For one of us, PTSD from a heart attack in his early twenties. For the other, spiraling and out-of-control anxiety. So we know. We totally get it, and running is one of the things that helps us feel good. We're trying to normalise and de-stigmatise mental illness. We're the most open running community we can be, but we felt that wasn't enough.

We both use Headspace, their SOS series has saved many a bad day and bad night, their Focus series helps us work hard and their Move series help us keep pushing. So we reached out, sent an email, and explained our position. We're fortunate that our email made it through the gates, and the crew over at Headspace could relate. We've got three months of headspace for everyone who needs it. Not only that, we're opening up our inbox for you to let us know about your experiences. If you want to talk to us about your mental health, running, or how best to use Headspace, we're here and want to help.
Just say hi, or send us a message on Whatsapp (+44 07398 273817).

Stay healthy and happy,
Olly & George.

The connection.

Between your legs and your head. Between running, mental health, and mindfulness.

The repetitive nature of running is a practice in mindfulness.

Running improves cognition, and releases the same endorphins that cause elation and euphoria

Mindfulness increases your body awareness, and ability to block pain. 

Why did we decide to use Headspace?

We use it ourselves.

We use Headspace ourselves. In fact, we've used it for years and occasionally, rely on it to save a bad night, or prep for an ominous meeting. We'd struggle without it.

Get Headspace

Email us now →

Send an email to You don't need to say anything if you don't want to, but we'd love to hear about your experience, and how you're planning on using Headspace.

We'll give you a code, which you can redeem here.

Our recommendations.


"With an anxiety disorder and a mind that likes to race and refuses to sleep, I've always struggled to turn off and fall asleep. The sleep series on Headspace taught me how to become a sheep-counting pro, and I can fall asleep on command now.

Couldn't recommend it more."


"After a heart attack at 21, I had lingering PTSD and often had negative thoughts about the trustworthiness of my body. Meditation helped me enormously; it's made me run faster too and helps me push hard and finish strong. Both the 'Move' series and 'Focus' have helped me enormously.

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